Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Off the Rock!!

We finally made off of St. Thomas!  The boat yard was not a fun place.  However, we have some funny stories and memories.  And...  Three coats of primer, four coats of Fighty Lady yellow awlgrip and Areyto is looking sharp as ever!!

New Paint job!!
 We sailed out late monday afternoon and had a wonderful sail over to Great Harbor on Jost
Van Dyke.  It was a pretty amazing feeling to be headed away from home knowing I wouldn't be back.  Finally cracked open the bottle of champagne that I've had for about 4 years awaiting this day!  Delicious steaks for dinner and we caught a fish baited with some of Andrew's steak.  They were that good!  Bottom line... We are off to a great start!!

40 lb jack.  Bill Brasky would be proud.

Sunrise over Tortola.


  1. Rusty and Drew, I'm very sad to have you gone, but I'm very proud of ya. God speed and good luck with everything!
    Rusty, that's a nice looking fish. It reminds of of the one time we rowed that Cape Dory out to the Wilmington Canyon to catch some bait fish that we could use to catch the running Scup and Porgy and ended up landing that Orca. What was an Orca doing off the East Coast everyone wondered, but you put it best when you said, "Orca does, what Orca wants!"

  2. aaaaah i remember that time - the sea was angry and so were the hungry scup. I think we packed the burlap sacks full of 'em that day.
    That jack is a real sh*t breather.

    Good luck. keep updating - hopefully i can jump a board once you guys get down south a bit. Don't lose the handheld Magellan

  3. God speed and good luck boys! Keep the pictures coming.

  4. Good Luck Guys! The blog looks great, you are real computer nerds. Rich hopefully we will see you at Easter! Love, Tor

  5. What does Areyto mean? It means keep your filthy hands off the new paint job!

  6. So happy to see this! I can't wait to read about your adventures!! Miss you!

  7. Tori,
    Easter!!! Hope you come too!!

  8. hahaha!! We are compiling a photo list of boats names that include "reel" for you Brian!
